Resident Evil 5 Dem Now on Xbox Live Marketplace Japan


Ladies and Gentleman, start making your Japanese XBL Gamertags (they are sure easier to make then JP PSN accounts), the Resident Evil 5 demo is now on the Japanese Xbox Live Marketplace.

The demo comes in at just over 470MB.

If you don’t know where to look, just bring up the Xbox Guide on the NXE, go far over to the left and select Marketplace. Once there, pick demos and it’s there as Biohazard 5, you cant miss it. Oh and if your worried about the Gold/Silver restrictions on the demo, when you make an account, you get a month’s free gold

It’s happy days at long last for Resident Evil 5.

The game is out in March for the Xbox 360 and PLAYSTATION 3.

6 Responses to “Resident Evil 5 Dem Now on Xbox Live Marketplace Japan”

  1. That’s kinda lame, PS3 should of had the leap first, instead of Xbox, CAPCOM what are you thinking? lol. Oh well, I will still download it on the 2nd of Feb for PS3.

  2. aqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq

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  4. play resident evil 5

  5. Great looking Blog! Found it through Google. Just as an FYI, it didnt display right when I opened it in the Opera Interet Browser.

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