PSW Give Call of Duty: World at War 10/10 – Better Then COD4

cod-wawSo, I just got the latest issue of PSW (PlayStation World in the UK) where, to my knowledge anyways, they have the world’s first review of Call of Duty: World at War. For anybody who’s lived on mars for the past year or so since after the release of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, the game is NOT being made by Infinity Ward but is infact being made by the devs of Call of Duty 3, Treyarch.

You will never guess what they gave the blumming thing.


No, I aint kidding and yes, your not the only one who had their eyes blistered open after seeing that score. They even stated that at the editors note at the start of the magazine that it was better then COD4. Consideringly so as they gave WaW 10 while Modern Warfare got only 9.

So yeah… wow.

5 Responses to “PSW Give Call of Duty: World at War 10/10 – Better Then COD4”

  1. Don’t believe it.

  2. I don’t see how this could be. The graphics of the thing look terrible, and CoD3 was a gimmick. I wish they’d just leave it with Infinity Ward.

  3. wow. Good news I guess, a little unexpected though. I assumed the game would be good – it’s built on solid tech and they had the foresight to see what COD4 did right/wrong, but I didn’t think Treyarch could put it together so well – although I’m beginning to sound as naive as Palmer does, judging a game I haven’t played.
    Hopefully the multiplayer maps are balanced and well created, thats the meat of an FPS.

  4. its not the fault of treyarch. they only got one year on cod3 thats why it sucked so much. however they got two years on this one so i would be surprised if the extra year of development and being able to build on top of the cod4 engine didnt let cod waw surpass cod4. of course cod6 is going to surpass cod waw and probably by more than waw

  5. […] PSW Give Call of Duty: World at War 10/10 – Better Then COD4 So, I just got the latest issue of PSW (PlayStation World in the UK) where, to my knowledge anyways, they have the […] […]

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