Final Fantasy XIII NOT on Xbox 360 for Money

When the news came through that Final Fantasy XIII was going to the Xbox 360 at E3, the gaming world was stunned. PS3 fanboys weeped; they lost their biggest exclusive of 2009, Xbox 360 fanboy’s cried for joy; they found their reason not to get aPS3 and the neutrals…well, the neut’s stayed out of it saying it was win-win for the gamer.

But after that stunning announcement, the first thought that came into gamer’s mind’s is “How Much Did Microsoft Pay for FF XIII?”

According to Microsoft…nothing. Of course, I smell corporate BS, that coporate BS is after the jump.

In a video taken at E3 (which is below), the Global Marketing Director of Xbox, Albert Pennello stated that contary to rumors on the internet after the announcement, Microsoft did NOT pay for the breach of exclusivity from the PLAYSTATION 3 and did NOT pay for the game to come to the Xbox 360 (He didnt state the breach of contract but pretty much a statement that needed explaning.)

“So, I think people make a lot of assumptions about what they read or the rumours that go around, but the reality of a lot of this is that we’re doing very well, we have a great install base, we have passionate gamers like you guys that buy a lot of games, and a publisher like Square can’t ignore that.

“I think it’s easy to assume that something’s going on behind the scenes, I think the more obvious answer is we’re doing really well and the game creators want their games to be where the most people and the most consoles [are], and right now that’s the Xbox 360.”

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeah, I am gonna call BS on him.

Summit In The City – Albert Pennello interview from MundoRare on Vimeo.

Final Fantasy XIII on 360 not because of money [Final Fantasy Series]

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